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PROmoting MEnTal HEAlth at Sea
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EN - Improving Mental Health and Facing Bullying
EN - Prometheas
Module 1: Seafarers' mental health
Unit 1: Understanding Mental Health
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Unit 1: Understanding Mental Health
◄ Seafarers’ mental health
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Self-assessment on mental health & bullying at sea
Seafarers’ mental health
Unit 2: An introduction to key concepts / Recognising mental health problems
Unit 3: Factors affecting mental health in the workplace & Well-Being
Unit 4: Prevent mental health issues
Unit 5: Protect & Support
Unit 6: Leadership & Culture
Additional reading material
Module 1: Assignments/Exercises
Seafarers’ mental health quiz
Facing bullying
Unit 1: Life at sea & psychological risks
Unit 2: What is bullying and harassment
Unit 3: How bullying starts - Antecedents
Unit 4: Consequences for workplace bullying
Unit 5: Prevention and Management
Additional reading materialBook
Module 2: Assignments/Exercises
Facing bullying quiz
Unit 2: An introduction to key concepts / Recognising mental health problems ►
EN - Prometheas
Self-assessment tool
Module 1: Seafarers' mental health
Module 1 Evaluation questionnaire
Module 2 - Facing Bullying
Module 2 Evaluation questionnaire
Final Course Evaluation