Promoting Mental Health at Sea

(Developed in the framework of PROMETHEAS Erasmus+ project)


PROMETHEAS project partners (Akademia Morska Szczecin (PL), Universitat polytecnica de Catalunya - Barcelona (ES), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences - Rauma (FI), SPINAKER - Ljubljana (SI), C4FF - Kenilworth (UK), Chios Marine Club (GR) and IDEC SA - Piraeus (GR)) developed an integrated training course in 6 languages (EN, PL, ES, FI, SI, GR) to help seafarers who face issues related to mental health and bullying while at sea.

The materials developed by PROMETHEAS are a:

  • Self-assessment tool regarding mental health and bullying issues.
  • Training module on Seafarers’ mental health.
  • Training module on Facing Bullying for seafarers.
  • Repository of resources on mental health and facing bullying for seafarers.


All rights reserved
Erasmus+ project: PROMETHEAS - PRomoting MEntal HEalth At Sea
Agreement number: 2019-1-PL01-KA202-065435
For more information please visit

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



  • Narzędzie do samooceny zdrowia psychicznego i radzenia sobie z nękaniem przez marynarzy
  • Moduł 1: Zdrowie psychiczne marynarzy
  • Moduł 2: W obliczu nękania Książka
  • Repozytorium wiedzy dotyczące zdrowia psychicznego na morzu


  • Itsearviointityökalu merenkulkijoiden mielenterveyden ja kiusaamisen kohtaamiseen
  • Moduuli1: Merenkulkijan mielenterveys
  • Moduuli 2: Kiusaamisen kohtaaminen
  • Merenkulkijoiden mielenterveysresurssien materiaalipankki of resources on mental health and facing bullying for seafarers.



  • Orodje za samoocenjevanje na področju mentalnega zdravja in soočanja z ustrahovanjem za pomorščake
  • Modul 1: Mentalno zdravje pomorščakov
  • Modul 2: Soočanje z ustrahovanjem
  • Repozitorij prispevkov iz področja težav z mentalnim zdravjem in vpliva ustrahovanja in nadlegovanja na pomorščake


  • Εργαλείο Αυτοαξιολόγησης σχετικά με θέματα  ψυχικής υγεία και bullying
  • Ενότητα 1: Ψυχική υγεία των ναυτικών
  • Ενότητα 2: Η αντιμετώπηση του Bullying για τους ναυτικούς
  • Αποθετήριο πόρων πάνω στην ψυχική υγεία και την αντιμετώπιση του bullying για τους ναυτικούς